Hazbin Hotel - Amazon’s New Show Promoting Satan and Hell
Hazbin Hotel - Amazon’s New Show Promoting Satan and Hell
Amazon is starting to get dangerous…
First Amazon One allows you to pay with your palm which can be linked to end time prophecy in the book of Revelation.
“16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)
Now Amazon’s promoting a show to change your perception of Heaven, Hell, God, and Lucifer.
What’s a hazbin?
It’s someone who’s no longer popular, successful, or happy.
The Hazbin Hotel seeks to rehabilitate demons so that they can one day leave and see Heaven.
It’s seeks to change your perception of Heaven by displaying a popular Hell and a dry Heaven that’s all about following rules.
Some things I observed about the intro of this show:
Lucifer is a dreamer with ‘fantastical ideas’
Lucifer is seen as a troublemaker from elders of Heaven
Lucifer’s way of thinking is dangerous to the order
Adam Demands control. Lilith (Eve) refuses to submit
Lilith (Eve) has fierce independence
Lilith and Satan, two rebellious dreamers, fall deeply in love
They wish to share the ‘magic of free will’
Some assignment of this show:
To change your perception of Heaven, Hell, Satan, and God
To depict Satan as a victim and the rulers of Heaven as being authoritative dictators that don’t like fun or imagination
Empower women to be independent and not needing a man
This is an assignment against the nuclear family
To rebel against God and the Bible
It’s a lot easier to change your perception of the truth than to deny it as false.
“Truth doesn’t mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged.”